The report section within EasyPON has been designed to allow you to download generated reports with data in XSLX format for your personal use.
You have the flexibility to download any information from the table, regardless of whether it has been filtered or not. Generating a comprehensive report based on your selection may require some time for the system to process. However, you will receive a notification once the report is ready, and the action button will become active, enabling you to proceed with the download.
The Reports section can be located mostly in every section of EasyPON. To get to the section click the All Downloads button in the Quick Actions Bar.
ONU List Section Report
Download generated reports from the ONU list section. The reports are generated in electronic table format and can be found in the Reports section. You will be redirected after the report generation or can get there later. All the reports are kept in the EasyPON system for 30 days.
Reports can be generated also by applying the filters to the ONU list, pressing the Export to XSLX button, and confirming the generating process.
After report generation, you can download the generated report from the Reports list by pressing the Action button to the corresponding report in the table. After the confirmation report will be downloaded.
Last updated