All buildings
On the All Buildings page, you can find information about buildings and add new ones. Each ONU in the system can be bound to the building instance to indicate the ONU location on the network map.
Quick Actions Bar
On the Quick Actions Bar, you can locate filters, which can be applied by
OLT name - the name of the OLT was given during the OLT adding process
Building type -a type of the building. There are two types private and apartment,
Status - ONU status
Card - ONU card number
Port - OLT port number
You can also locate filters on the Building location map.
You can also use the Add saved search record and always have fast access for applying frequent search templates. You can always delete saved searches or clear the applied filter with the corresponding options.
Building location
There are a few options available on the Building location map:
Increase scale on the map
Decrease the scale on the map
Create building
Search - search buildings by their address on the map
Filter buildings
Update ONU status on the visible area
Create building
You can add a new building by pressing the Create building button on the Building location map and indicate the new building location by assigning the exact mark on the map.
Fill inputs below in the Create building form and Save or Cancel changes:
Building type - there are two types private and apartment
Address - the address of the building which is bound to the map
Entrances count - the number of building entries
Floors count - the number of building floors
Apartments count - the number of building apartments
Description - specific brief description of the building
Building list
The building list indicates all added buildings to the EasyPON system.
There are a few fields available in the Building list table:
№ - number of the element in the table
Name - name indicates the address of the building
Apartments count - the number of building apartments
ONU amount - the amount of the connected ONU in the building
Entrances count - count of building entrances
Floors count - count of the building floors
View - the button to view full information about the building and the full list of oNU assigned to it.
Last updated