Macros list

A list of predefined Macros variables that can be used as templates for substituting attributes in the Preset configuration.

While creating or editing Preset or Action, it is possible to click on a macros field with the left mouse button to add it to the Code field while editing Preset in the Preset or Action form.

Below is a macro variables description along with examples to help you understand how it works.

What do each macros represent?
  • onu.serial_number - serial number of the ONU

  • onu.port_interface - ONU port interface

  • onu.qinq_free_vlan - free qinq vlan ONU port

  • onu.onu_interface - ONU interface

  • onu_number - ONU number

  • - ONU name

  • onu_type.value - ONU type value

  • onu.mac_address - ONU Mac address

  • onu.mac_address | split "." - mac address of the current ONU, separated by the dot character

  • onu.mac_address | split "-" - mac address of the current ONU, separated by the dash character

  • input_params.field_name - field name input_params

You can view examples of their samples in the Macros variables description.

View macros info

Clicking on the view icon opposite a specific Macros opens a modal window with Macros details. The following fields are available:

  • Name - Macros title

  • Example - an example value

  • Description - Description of Macros.

You can Close the Macros view modal window after review.

Macros variables description


The macros substitute the ONU serial number. Example:



The number of the port on which the ONU is located is substituted. Example:



Finds a free q-in-q vlan and substitutes its number.

vlan-smart-qinq ingress-port gpon-olt_1/12/5 cvlan 1074 to 1314 svlan 150

Example for the rule above:



Substitutes the name of the ONU interface. Example:



Finds a free ONU number on the port and substitute it. For example, there is a configured port

interface gpon-olt_1/5/3
  no shutdown
  linktrap disable
  onu 1 type universal sn ZTEGC041AF2B
  onu 1 profile line 1000mb remote standart 
  onu 3 type universal sn ZTEGC6961A2E
  onu 3 profile line 1000mb remote standart 
  onu 4 type universal sn ZTEGC0F4D2C9
  onu 4 profile line 1000mb remote standart 

There is no ONU with the number 2. EasyPON will determine that the number 2 is free and substitutes it in the configuration.



Substitutes the type selected by the user during registration. Example:



Substitutes the Mac address of the ONU. Example:

onu.mac_address | split:"."
onu.mac_address | split:":"
onu.mac_address | split:"-"


Request the user to input a value that will be inserted into the ONU configuration code before its registration. For example:

property description {{}}

During registration, the user will be requested for the name, which will be placed while applying the configuration.

Last updated