
Easily manage users and assign their permissions.

The Permissions section may not be displayed due to the limited access permissions of your account.

With group access, you can create rules to assign permissions to multiple users. Additionally, you have the option to grant individual users special permissions that override the permissions assigned to their respective groups.

Group list

The Group list card displays information about already existing permission groups and allows their creation, editing, and deletion in the EasyPON system.

We added you two standard groups with permissions, that are, in our opinion, suitable for administrators and support managers.

By the way, you can easily configure them by your own preferences.

Group creation and editing

To add a group press the "+ Add group button", by specifying the name in the Name group input and checking the sections of access permissions or individual permissions that will be allowed in the group. Press the Save button to create the permission group or press Cancel to reset any changes and close the form.

If you need to set full access to the section, you need to activate the Full Access switch. If the permissions are limited, then the group will have Partial Access and the necessary accesses must be set separately.

Permission groups can be assigned while creating or editing users on the user account creation or editing form.

The permission group can not be deleted if it is assigned at least to one user account. All the permission group changes when edited are automatically applied to the users with this group assigned. If the group is not chosen for the user, for example, if you set custom permissions, only his individual permissions will be allowed and need to be configured separately for each such user.

Viewing group

After clicking the View button, a page with information about the selected group of access rights is displayed in the Group list table. On this page, you can edit the group name and access rights or delete the selected group.

Standard Admin and Support permissions groups can be edited but can not be deleted.

The Group page displays sections of access permissions that are active. With full access to the section, the Full Access switch will be active, if the permissions are limited, then the group will have the inscription as Partial Access. If no items are checked in the section it will be marked as No Access.

The display of individual elements in the access permissions section has the value Yes and No.

Last updated